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Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend
Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend
Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend
Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend
Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend
Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend
Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend
Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend

Pulse • Micronutrient 💧 Vibration Mineral Blend

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Micronutrient • Vibration

Ohm's Minerals as Medicine bath formulas infuse a healing rush of nutrients, energy, and vibration into your bathwater. Absorbing minerals through the skin is the most perfect and efficient way to receive micronutrients into the system. 


Pulse  As only Ohm can do, we captured a central point of energy in a select group of minerals with maximum micronutrients and vibration. A Pulse bath in the evening will encourage an amazing night's sleep as the skin absorbs this incredible mineral blend into the body. 


The Micronutrients The skin, by nature, is designed to absorb minerals suspended in water. Pulse bath infuses a suspension of Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Strontium, Lithium, and Manganese into bathwater. While soaking, the skin takes in micronutrients allowing the body's systems to distribute and use nutrients throughout the body.   


The Vibrations Like the Pulse in our arteries, electrical, the science of mineral vibration is fundamental. Atoms in a mineral crystal structure bump into one another, in a unique frequency, creating a vibration. Suspended in water, the vibration of each mineral affects the body's organs and meridians uniquely. Capturing a balanced vibrational effect is imperative for the bath experience.  


Pulse Functions ... Hard Science Studies have shown positive health effects from soaking in mineral water. Pulse minerals are balanced to boost and replenish hard to absorb micronutrients... 

  • Biotite* - Potassium, Iron, and Magnesium, AKA "Iron Mica" for healthy blood
  • Blue Calcite - Calcium, Strong bones, and connective tissues
  • Celestite - Strontium, healthy brain neurotransmitters, and strong bones
  • Rhodochrosite - Manganese, Collagen synthesis and fights Oxidative Stress
  • Lepidolite - Lithium, healthy nervous system, nerve pain, anxiety, and stress; calms histamine and allergic reactions 


Pulse Functions ... Not Hard Science  Practitioners, ancient and modern, believe in the healing triad of mineral crystals; Metaphysical, Physical, and Vibrational. Pulse minerals were crafted according to these theoretical attributes... 

  • Biotite*  - Detoxifier, clears liver fire and the liver and gallbladder meridians, helps kidney stones, sciatic, gout, and bunions
  • Blue Calcite - Gentle stone, sleep, hypertension, anxiety, nervousness - Soothing Vibration
  • Celestite - Stimulates your energy system, calms the mind but with mental clarity and focus - High Vibration
  • Rhodochrosite - Improves skin and migraines, strengthening by soothing irrational fears and encouraging self-worth
  • Lepidolite - insomnia, exhaustion, relieves worries and clears blockages


Pulse VS Elements Bath   Pulse Mineral bath has a higher content of micronutrients and has a lower content of calcium than Elements bath. Pulse Mineral Blend should be used when replenishing micronutrients and can be helpful to combat many chronic conditions and illnesses. 


Daily Micro✧Nutrients  Pulse can be used several times a week as a healing bath or used daily in Aloe to improve strength, stamina, and the immune system. Ohm's  Pulse + Aloe or Just.Add.Aloe + Elements systems create an easy delivery for micronutrients directly into the skin. This form of delivery optimizes absorption that may not be archived with oral mineral supplements. we


The Experience Feeling mineral vibration eludes some people, sadly, but gaining health from micronutrients eludes no one. Pulse's rhythmical composition creates an infusion of minerals suspended in water exuding an extraordinary healing bath experience.

epiVibe®   Patented Process


  • Use 1-2 scoops + soak in bath 20-40 minutes
  • .15 cc Scoop Included
  • 12-24 Baths per regular-sized bottle
  • Directions for Pool & Spa

Use in a bath as directed

Add to water to diffuse for an inhalation healing experience. 2 scoops of Pulse minerals to 1 quart or 500ml of water. Diffuse as much as needed. Diffuse in the evening or night for a restful night's sleep.

Add to Aloe gel to create an easy healing gel. Add 2-4 scoops to 8oz of Aloe gel, mix well.  Pulse + Aloe  or Ohm's Pump Jar 


*This product contains Biotite, a sheet silicate; ground Biotite does not turn to powder but into very small sheet flakes. You may notice them in your bath or aloe. They have the same effect on water, aloe, and your body as other micro powders. 


Ohm Holistic Mineral Baths

.125oz  |  12-24 baths per bottle | Biotite, Selenite, Blue Calcite, Celestite, Rhodochrosite & Lepidolite Crystals

Our epiVibe formulas, are all packaged in a "Self Charging Bottle". Each has a hematite bead nestled in the powder to keep the crystals charged, healing and fresh.  

These products were developed under the guidance of Dr Heiner Fruehauf, a world-renowned professor of holistic medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.

We must share our disclaimer that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Crystals used for healing should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only. 

♥︎ Ohm