How we deal with a Neuroinvasive Virus!

The Neuro Invasion nut shell
Neuro Invasive means viruses crack open the major nerve centers, especially the Vagus Nerve, and then set up shop for a long term invasive stay in the nervous system. (Blog Info)
The cytokine storm they create during the first wave of illness depletes your entire stores of Manganese as it is the element that induces Interferon production. The nervous system then depletes itself of Iron, Copper and Zinc leaving it dysfunctional and venerable to new invasions. It may be the nervous system is also too weak to rid itself of the virus creating a "long" or "chronic" illness.
What happens
The Neuro Invasion
- erodes the strength of the immune system
- creates viral relapse like events with reemergent symptoms
- targets organs
- creates long chronic conditions
The Cytokine Storm depleting Manganese
- leaves the body vulnerable to Oxidative Stress (Blog Info)
- leads to Mast Cell Disorder (Blog Info)
- leaves the body vulnerable to Autoimmune conditions
- and so much more ...
The OHM easy fix...
- Mend the cracks in the nerves; Vagus Sum for 2 weeks
- Clear the virus (IMPORTANT); Immunology Blend + Neuro Impulse Blend
- Zinc protection for the Vagus Nerve and neuronal impulses; Vagus Viral, Immunology Mineral Blend
- Replenish Mineral Blend; #1 Manganese Replenishment
- If on hand, Replenish Manganese; Pulse Mineral Blend + GO-TO
- Zinc as repair and defense + anti histamine; Immunology, 🚫 ITCH
- Brain Fog; Brain Gain
- Nerve Support and continued immunity; Immunology + Neuro Impulse
How easy?
In the acute phase, we want you to hit the viral neuro invasion as hard as possible and hopefully prevent long or chronic conditions. Mineral replenishment is key to a robust recovery. Maintaining a high micronutrient content in your body is undisputed for continued immune vitality.
...Acute or Chronic
- Immunology + Neuro Impulse; use on the back of the neck (GV14), around the neck and on the entire length of the spine 2-3x/Daily
- Vagus Viral; 1x-2x/Daily, overuse may excite the system
- Immunolology Mineral Blend; 1x/Day, bath or in aloe gel
- Replenish Mineral Blend;1x/Day, bath or in aloe gel
- or Pulse Mineral Blend + GO-TO; 1x/Day, or in aloe gel
- Vagus Sum; 1x-2x/Daily for at least 3 months
- Immunolology Mineral Blend; 2x/Weel bath or aloe gel
- Replenish Mineral Blend;2x/Week, bath or aloe gel
- or Pulse + GO-TO bath; 3x/Week 1 scoop Pulse Mineral Blend + 1 scoop GO-TO for 3 weeks
- Vagus Viral; 2x/Week as protection, improved immunity
- Neuro Impulse; 1x/Daily to improve nerve function
- Brain Gain; 3x-5x/Week
- Non bathers/Aloe users; add 1/2 scoop of GO-TO (in your palm for a daily dose) to your premix Pulse Aloe or Elements Aloe for 3 weeks then 1x/Week
...Update Autumn 2023
As variants become more virulent and prevalent we suggest for a strong immune system protection and quick recovery;
- Immunology Mineral Blend; 3x/Week or 1x/Day entire body in aloe gel
- Replenish Mineral Blend; 3x/Week or 1x/Day entire body in aloe gel
- Neuro Impulse; 5x/Week or as needed
Our science based plan and easy approach works while acutely sick or if chronic with a busy modern lifestyle. To understand each product we encourage a read on each. Also, within the Healing Space there are easy read blogs with more information.
~We hope these heal all they touch