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K-9 Viral Products

(Updated 8-10-24)
At Ohm, we recognize it is difficult to avoid contact with our K-9's while sick with a more contagious variant strain. Most K-9s have been exposed and may have symptoms of exposure or illness.
ALERT, if your K-9's behavior or health has changed after you have been sick, you should consider treating them accordingly. 
Our mineral formula blends are interchangeable for people to K-9; only the dosage or means of application change. 
Symptoms A severe neuro-invasive virus can create or exacerbate the following if left unmanaged. As the immune system is hit repeatedly, it weakens its ability to fight several health issues.  
  • Behavior • Changes in the behavior of a K-9; aggression, separation anxiety, or nervousness
  • Skin • Changes in the skin; new yeast on the skin, chronic itching, aggressive hot spots, chronic yeast
  • Upper Respiratory • Changes in respiratory health; chronic cough in the lungs or throat, watery or swollen eyes, chronic ear issues
  • Allergies • Changes from seasonal allergies to chronic year-round allergies; paws, eyes, ears, and skin advancing to yeast and/or a chronic itch
  • Mobility • Changes in the ability to walk; typically, back-end mobility issues
  • Energy • In older K-9, a notable drop in energy or Qi

Manganese, Mn, and our Patented Process; Its role in viral exposure and as a cofactor in the following biological processes

  • Interferon; an immune system response, Mn is used and depleted during exposure to severe viral conditions usually to depletion
  • Prolidase enzyme; Mn is required for collagen peptide biosynthesis into Hydroxyproline, collagen amino acid in the bloodstream, critical to maintaining healthy collagen levels in tissues; muscles, connective tissues, bones, nerves
  • MnSOD, Manganese Superoxide Dismutase enzyme; the primary defense for cells against free radical Oxidative Stress; autoimmune, neurodegenerative conditions 
  • Enzymes; Increased activity fights aging, chronic and degenerative, and neurodegenerative conditions

Zinc, Zn; Scientific Health Studies; 

  • Improves the immune system by strengthening the nervous system; (NIH & PMC 69,000 studies cited)
  • Improves the neuroimmune system protects the body from virus
  • Improves skin conditions correlate with a robust immune system; (NIH & PMC 149,000 studies cited)
  • Improves immune response to yeast and mold conditions  
  • Reduced histamine reaction improves mast cell overreaction and inflammation leading to autoimmune and neurodegenerative conditions 

Products In this situation, we have a handful of products to help with viral load, replenishment and nervous system issues.  This list will link to our product page for more information. If a K-9 version is unavailable, this page is the only location for K-9 instructions. 

K-9 Replenish & K-9 Immunology for Manganese and Zinc

 These "full body" minerals blends should be scattered on the back, from head to tail. If autoimmune or neurodegenerative conditions are presenting themselves, start with Immunology (Zn) 1x/Day, mornings, and Replenish (Mn) 1x/Day, evenings. For viral exposure and protection Immunology 1-2x/Day   





K-9 Madness

K-9 Madness contains Lepidolite, a natural lithium mineral needed to heal the nervous system in a physical manner.  Soothing the nervous system will help with all symptoms. K-9 Madness should be used daily on the back of the neck and down the spine. Amounts used are on the Directions Card with the product. If you have Stillness topical blend it can be used instead of K-9 Madness, same dosage. 

Severe Topical

Severe Topical contains minerals that help the system fight the virus. For more information, please read our Severe Topical product page. For the K-9 the results are excellent. It should be used 1x/Day while symptoms persist and 2x/Day if there has been a recent exposure and they have symptoms plus lethargy. Directions, 2 locations; use 1/2 scoop on each side, into the fur, around the shoulders, like a saddle, as shown in green, use 1/2 scoop in a line from behind the ears, down, and onto the front of the shoulders (Vagus Nerve) as shown in purple.   







Vagus Sum contains minerals that heal the Vagus Nerve, which is constantly attacked when sick or exposed repeatedly to a neuroinvasive virus. For more information, please read our Vagus Sum product page.

K-9 Neuro Impulse targets the nerve at a cellular level. It's minerals a layered to reboot the impulse nerve cell after a virus or damaging event.   

These products are extremly important in this process. K-9s lean into your hand when being dosed. It should be used 1 or 2x/Day for at least a month. Directions; use 1/2 scoop on each side, into the fur, a little in front of the ear, and a line from behind the ear onto the front of the shoulder, as shown in purple. If a more robust approach is needed, Vagus Sum EX is extraordinary. Use on the same locations as Vagus Viral shown below. 


K-9 Vagus Viral


Vagus Viral is our third in the Vagus Trilogy, protection. In addition to soothing and grounding the injured nerve fibers, Vagus Viral may add protection from additional neuroinvasion. This product has shown improved yeasty ears in our clients. 

We discovered Vagal nerve health related to Zinc and Zinc containing minerals (more info on the human Vagus Viral page) and applied the information to his blend. Like Vagus Sum K-9s lean into your hand when being dosed. It is best to give them the choice between the two products for the above time period, longer if needed.

It should be used 1 or 2x/Day while acute, 1 or 2x/Week afterwards. Directions; use 1/2 scoop on each side, into the fur, a little in front of the ear,  a line from behind the ear onto the front of the shoulder, and a line in the center of the chest, as shown in purple. 



K-9 Allergy, Chronic AllergiesTransform and 🚫ITCH


K-9 Allergy, Chronic Allergies, Transform, and  K-9🚫ITCH are used for allergies and skin hypersensitivity, and in some cases, for digestion issues or hypersensitivities. We always recommend beginning with the most gentle products first. Our K-9 Allergy is very gentle and is usually recommended for seasonal allergies. In this case, try it first for post-viral skin issues. You can apply it where the allergy or hot spot is located, dry or mixed in aloe gel. (Allergy Blog post) Chronic Allergies or Transform will be the next step if a more robust version is needed. We recommend mixing Transform as directed on its product page. It may be used 1 or 2x/day for skin issues or on the stomach for digestive issues. 

K-9 🚫ITCH should be used for fungus skin (like on the underside) and best used in Transform Aloe.  You may add 1/2 scoop of either K-9 Allergy, Chronic Allergies or  K-9🚫ITCH  to a pump of Transform depending on the issues. K-9 🚫ITCH (mixed with Transform) is ideal if an unusually stubborn fungal infection has begun with or without hot spots. Use 1 or 2x/Day


Seven Dragons

Seven Dragons, an Acupoint Minerals product, is like an ancient acupuncture treatment that has been shown to be very effective on animals when an external pathogen is involved in an illness or condition. For more information, please read our Seven Dragons product page. We recommend this treatment 2x/Week. Directions; Drop a small amount into the fur on the points as shown with purple arrows; Point 1 on the rear of the head, Points 2 and 3 on either side of the spine just below the shoulders, Points 4 and 5 on either side of the spine at the waist, Points 6 and 7 on the lower ankle of both back feet. 

Three Treasures ㆔ Energy & Qi

Three Treasures, energy & Qi mineral blend, is a wonderful boost for older K-9's sluggish from aging or illness. Building energy and Qi is as important for your K-9 as for yourself. It is an ideal treatment for older weak K-9s. For more information, visit our Three Treasures product page. Directions; Use a total of 1/2 scoop on the bottom of all four paws and the back of the neck for 1x/ 7 days, afterward as needed. 

 ~We hope these heal all they touch

Our holistic K-9 products are used and approved by Dr Laura Way, DVM. We are a participating member and sponsor of the AHVMA, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association.

We must share our disclaimer that we are not veterinary practitioners and cannot give veterinarian advice. Crystals used for healing should only be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular veterinarian care. ♥︎Ohm


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