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K-9 AL❀R❀G • Allergy Mineral Blend
K-9 AL❀R❀G • Allergy Mineral Blend
K-9 AL❀R❀G • Allergy Mineral Blend
K-9 AL❀R❀G • Allergy Mineral Blend
K-9 AL❀R❀G • Allergy Mineral Blend

K-9 AL❀R❀G • Allergy Mineral Blend

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 Nose ❀ Skin ❀ Eyes

K-9 AL❀R❀G formula is a pure healing mineral ground formula designed to beat the reaction of any seasonal allergy,

  • flea bites
  • bee stings
  • wasp stings 
  • any pollen

Our K-9 AL❀R❀G (or Feline) contains Orange Calcite and Fuchsite, minerals known to relieve some of the toughest allergic reactions from environmental irritants.

These conditions can lead to other health and behavior issues, like hot spots and anxiety. Because of this, we then added a small amount of Lepidolite, a lithium mica, said to nourish and calm the nervous system do to allergic intolerance.  

AL❀R❀G is applied topically into the fur, on the head, the back, and directly into the other areas affected. All-natural AL❀R❀G relieves allergic reactions quickly and safely without fragrance or chemicals. 


  • Apply to allergic areas every day for a couple of weeks then every other day or as needed.
    • AL❀R❀G is gentle enough to use every day.
    • If allergies are seasonal begin again for a couple of weeks.  
    • 1/2 - 1 scoop on the head and spine for all-over relief, 1/2 scoop for each location. Rub into the fur well. 
Use topically as instructed

Add to water to diffuse, 1 scoop per 16oz water; Diffuse as needed for overnight use or multiple pets. 

Our K-9 clients like to pick their healing minerals they need each day. K-9's have instincts as to what their bodies need and when. If you allow them to press their muzzle to bottle, they are not sniffing the bottle, they are feeling the vibrations of the minerals. After they decide if it is right for them or not, they will will lick or bite as at the bottle as "Yes!" or walk away as "No!". It is amazing to watch.   

Allergy Mineral Diffusing Blend

Blog Post - Allergy Relief for Everyone 👣 & 🐾

Our healing mineral crystal powder formulas are all packaged in a "Self Charging Bottle". Each has a hematite bead nestled in the powder to keep the crystals charged, healing and fresh.  

.125oz  |  Fuchsite, Selenite & Orange Calcite & Lepidolite Crystals

Our holistic K-9 products are used and approved by Dr Laura Way, DVM. 

We must share our disclaimer that we are not veterinary practitioners and cannot give veterinarian advice. Crystals used for healing should only be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular veterinarian care. ♥︎Ohm