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Diffuse.If You.Choose Mineral Blend Diffusing Information
Diffuse.If You.Choose Mineral Blend Diffusing Information
Diffuse.If You.Choose Mineral Blend Diffusing Information

Diffuse.If You.Choose Mineral Blend Diffusing Information

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 German Spas mist mineral water into the air so that one can breathe in health while enjoying sitting in a park or garden. 

OHM minerals are easy to diffuse and a great way to mineralize the whole family, including our beloved cats and dogs. Diffuse minerals in the family room, bedroom, or any room. Follow OHM diffusing directions and turn any room into an oasis of mineral wellness.

OHM mineral blends, whether Human or pet, are the same and can be shared and used for either family member. 

Absorbing minerals through the skin and nasal passages is the most perfect and efficient way to receive micronutrients into the system.


Add 2 scoops minerals per 1 quart water. Shake well. Pour mixture into essential oil diffuser. Wipe out diffuser after use. Diffuse up to 5 hours 3-7x/week.

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We recommend a few OHM Blends, not limited to, for diffusing.

 OHM  200ML Diffuser