- Thought to clear damp-heat from joints, including yeast in joints
- Gently unblocks energy flows, allowing needed micronutrients to enter the area
- Thought to support cellularly the care of muscles, bones, nerves, and tendons
- Helps strengthening your core physical structure
- Can be used to direct high-frequency energy into the body, stimulating physical healing and calcium absorption
- Regulates fluids, assists in clearing heat
- A high vibrational stone
We added Lepidolite and Herkimer Diamond to assist...
Lithium Li - Lepidolite
- Improves nervous system and this case the nerves in the joint (6)
Herkimer Diamond
- A high vibrational double terminated form of quartz
- Believed to increase strength and therapy effects of softer stones
- Thought to be more balancing than common Clear Quartz
The Secret Ingredients (Unlike J.A.D.E.)
Loved by practitioners because it metaphysically benefits so many conditions. Many of which require energies to descend. Ancients used Chrysocolla...
- Weak Immunity
- Nerve Pain, Sciatica
- Joint pain
- Swollen, painful joints
Optical Calcite
Calcites in general are thought to strengthen the skeleton and joints. practitioners use Optical Calcite because it is thought to amplify and strengthen its effect. Crystal enthusiasts use Optical Calcite...
- Low back pain
- Sciatica
- Clears energy blockages
A Mica, Fuchsite is vivid green and soft like others. Another practitioner favorite, it may be the most important secret and metaphysical component in Revive...
- Releases blockages that have been caused by excess physical energy, shifting it into more positive channels
- Clears Fire Toxins
- Treats carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury
- Realigns the spine
- Increasing flexibility in the musculoskeletal system
The Rub
Most feel the energy and vibration of this formula while it is rubbed into stiff overused, underappreciated joints. As energy blockages are removed, new life can return and movement begins.

Rub in 1/2 a scoop into joint area 1-2X a day.
Reduce to 1X a day after a couple of weeks.
- .15cc scoop included
Use topically as instructed.
Add to Aloe gel to create an easy healing gel. Add 2-4 scoops to 8oz of gel, mix well. Ohm's Pump Jar
Our healing mineral crystal powder formulas are all packaged in a "Self Charging Bottle". Each has a hematite bead nestled in the powder to keep the crystals charged, healing and fresh.
.125oz | Selenite, Fuchsite, Barite, Chrysocolla, Lepidolite, Optical Calcite, Rhodochrosite & Herkimer Diamond
These products were developed under the guidance of Dr Heiner Fruehauf, a world-renowned professor of holistic medicine at the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
We must share our disclaimer that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Crystals used for healing should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only.
♥︎ Ohm