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Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral
Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral
Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral
Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral
Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral
Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral
Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral

Reboot Discovery Kit • Auto Neuro Viral

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Reboot Discovery Kit restores specific micronutrients to bring the body back to health from many chronic and neurodegenerative conditions. Our selection of mineral blends works in pure synchronicity with the nervous, neuroimmune, and organ systems.

Each product is packaged in mini tubs, which is just under 1/2 of our regular tubs. You also receive, free, a 2oz sample of Immunology and Replenish Mineral Blends premixed in Aloe Gel 

A $110 value for a limited time $89

Our Reboot is a great way to Discover OHM!

Immunology and Replenish Mineral Blends should be used in a bath 3-4x/Week, 1-2 scoops per bath. In Aloe Gel applied on the entire body daily, 1-1.5 scoops per 1oz of Aloe Gel

As only OHM can do, we created Immunology Mineral Blend with recovery micronutrients, including a powerful natural Zinc mineral, Hemimorphite, an immune everything shield. The immune system has many components and layers that need a deep infusion of protection and strength. In our opinion, by infusing the entire body, we vastly increase immune system protection.

Minerals mixed in aloe gel and applied to the body mimic a mineral bath. Premixed Aloe + Minerals 2oz sample - Use every morning. Blend .05oz mini size - Refill Aloe or use as a bath

As only OHM can do, we created Replenish Mineral Blend for today's toxic, virus, and chronic condition-filled world. We balanced a group of micronutrients, then raised the bar, we loaded it with manganese-bursting minerals. Why? Because every toxin and virus depletes Manganese from our systems.

Minerals mixed in aloe gel and applied to the body mimic a mineral bath. Premixed Aloe + Minerals 2oz sample - Use every evening. Blend .05oz mini size - Refill Aloe or use as a bath

At Ohm we love brain energy, enhancing memory, and improving creativity. Now, Brain Gain Topical Mineral Blend  enhances recall, retention, and reset from aging, and or, illness. With a swipe of Brain Gain topical minerals powder across the forehead a few days a week, you'll feel your brain world open and achieve new heights!

.05oz mini size - Apply a dab across the forehead 3-6x/Week

As only Ohm can do, we created a mineral blend rich in science and Metaphysical Medicine to nurture and ground the wounded Vagus nerve. Using the body's ability to absorb minerals through the skin, the first in a trilogy, Vagus Sumsoothes and grounds the inflamed nerve fibers. Shocking ⚡️? No. Easy? Yes.

05oz mini size - Dab a line from behind the ear down to the collar bone and a line from the sternum to the navel 2x/Day for 2 weeks, then use 1x/Day along with Neuro Impulse 1x/Day

Neuro Impulse Mineral Blend is designed to reboot the nerve cell function, strength, and impulse. We believe that to obtain a healthy nervous system, one must start at the cellular level. Unprocessed, unaltered minerals retain their natural properties and work in perfect concert to reboot the nerve cell to establish functioning equilibrium in the neuronal system. 

Vagus- Behind ear to collar bone, sternum to navel. Cranial Facial- Ear out over eyebrow, ear out under cheekbone, ear out under chin. CNS Spine- back of the neck down the spine.

05oz mini size - Apply and rub into the nerve 1x/Day, use with Vagus Sum

Patented Process

Please Visit each product's page for more details and mineral ingredients 

Our healing mineral crystal powder formulas are packaged in a "Self Charging Bottle." Each has a hematite bead nestled in the powder to keep the mineral crystals charged, healing, and fresh.  

We must share our disclaimer that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Crystals used for healing should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only. 

♥︎ Ohm