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Manganese: A Case for Replenishment! Replenish Blend

As "the old" saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" well, these are not "the old" times our bodies live in...  
Why?  Every toxin, pathogen and virus depletes Manganese from our systems
What?  Our bodies need Manganese to prevent chronic conditions
When?  Everyday replenishment
How?  Natural unaltered minerals containing Manganese 
Where?  Best if absorbed through the skin
Chronic Conditions...
Many chronic conditions are linked to Manganese deficiencies. The body's biosynthesis functions (enzymes, proteins and more) are designed to work when Manganese electro-physical properties "fire" enzymes. This process is called co-factoring, without which a breakdown in health occurs. The enzyme Prolidase ensures collagen is usable and absorb into muscles bones, and connective tissues. "SOD" Super Oxide Dismutase clears oxidative stress from the body. These enzymes are Manganese dependent. 
Manganese Feeding Trough...
Because so many biological processes require it for proper function Manganese becomes entirely depleted from the body. As it cofactors the conversion and absorption of proteins like Collagen and is required for Oxidative Stress removal and proper SOD enzyme cofactor function the Manganese stores run dry.
Here is the big kicker...Manganese is required for a proper interferon and immune system response to viruses exposure. The larger the virus the larger response, more exposure the more Manganese stores deplete to critical levels. 
Who gets to feed?
The body may not be able to prioritize Mn usage after supplementation. For example, if you take a collagen peptide supplement and are exposed to a virus, the choice for the body is to convert the collagen or fire interferon. Another example is if your body fires interferon in response to viral exposure, is there enough Mn to choose, clearing oxidative stress? It becomes a snowballing vicious depletion cycle. The body is left with unusable collagen in the body, low or total inability to clear oxidative stress and an inadequate immune response the the next variant.  

So let's do the math from "The Manganese Feeding Trough"...
Daily Manganese Usage                   -5
Weekly Manganese Usage              -35  
Monthly Manganese  Usage        -1050
Annual Manganese Usage         -12600
Intake (Just a guess)                  +1000 

It does not take genius to see these numbers are not good. This hypothetical number game supports, in part, a very real and exponential rise in infertility, and debilitating chronic and degenerative diseases. Supplementation of Natural Minerals containing Manganese is imperative. Now more than ever, natural Manganese should be supplemented, in our opinion, in increasing amounts.  

We define...

Natural Minerals contain trace elements that provide electrophysiological properties needed for biosynthesis. These properties remain when minerals are reduced to powder. 

Altered Mineral supplements are processed with heat, acid, or chemicals that modify the trace elements. This reduces the electrophysiological properties and its ability to perform biosynthesis.


What are we saying in that mouthful? A white multi-mineral tablet, a transparent mineral liquid or any other oral mineral supplement (or ANY TRACE ELEMENT) has been altered. It is not working to help the body in any way and possibly harming it. 

Reducing a natural mineral rock to powder to be absorbed through the skin retains the "electrical" properties to fire enzymes and complete the job they are meant to perform. 

What we do well...

We source natural mineral rock and crystals, reduce them to powder, then blend them into balanced formulas. In A Case for Manganese Replenishment, using the skin's ability to absorb minerals, the blends may be used in a bath or suspended in Aloe Gel applied to the skin for full-body Manganese restoration. 

Our Manganese Replenishment Recommendation... 

Replenish Mineral Blend used as a bath or a daily Aloe Gel treatment replenishes many micronutrients and is our #1 source for natural Manganese restoration.  Replenish Mineral Blend is the way to keep the doctor away!
epiVibe®   Patented Process
We must disclose that we are not medical practitioners and cannot give medical advice. Minerals used for healing should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care. For external use only. 

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